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I will try to respond. I can’t make any guarantees however.
I am perfectly fine with reading and maybe posting critiques of the content I put up.
I will politely decline requests to appear on other podcasts/ You-Tube videos, etc. My purpose is NOT pushing “my brand”. If I’m interested in doing that, please understand:
1. I will review your online content to determine if you want to have a legitimate conversation or if you’re simply trying to be a troll and waste my time with potential “gotcha” moments. My focus is to simply express simple truth. Anything not related to that end will be disregarded.
2. I will review your content to see if you’re theologically mature enough to have a conversation with. If you’re primarily an activist-a conversation with you is a waste of my time. I’m sorry if that sounds snobbish, I’m not trying to be. Time is short and too valuable to waste on you. You need spiritual maturity, not coddling.
3. If you’d like to send me a link to a video/ podcast you’ve created or have seen/ heard which critiques my positions here and you believe I should know about; send the link. I may OR may not watch/ listen to it. If I choose to; I’ll take my time to think about it and make notes, I’ll create a response video/ podcast and post it and send you the link. That will be our form of communication. This will be done at MY convenience.