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Foundation-Pg 2.

As stated elsewhere, a proper foundation is the “sine qua non” to the viability of the structure. Most of our time and attention should be spent preparing that foundation. The skeleton and the façade will then go up quickly and easily and endure.

What’s the proper foundation for biblical thinking? What’s the proper foundation upon which to build our faith? Upon what should we spend most of our focus to build a lifetime of faith which will endure?

The obligatory answer for believers is, “Jesus”.

This answer is too obvious to have any real value. That sounds strange to say. What does it REALLY mean to have Jesus be the foundation of our faith? Too often it defaults to something based on feelings, emotions, relationships. Are these things important? Of course. Unfortunately, the “Jesus is love” crowd has overtaken every aspect of theology. What do they mean by “love”? It has less to do with self-sacrifice or laying down one’s life for others. It has more to do with sentimentality and the feminization of anything masculine. It’s a deception. It gives the illusion of virtue and masks it with a façade of piety. Today, the attitude of Churchianity seems more in line with the philosophy of ageing hippies who want to re-live their “glory days” back in the summer of ’69 at Woodstock before they transition into eternity.

What does it REALLY mean to have Jesus be the foundation of our faith?

There are certain principles which can help us understand it.

What are those principles?